Trump says he is ready to mediate Indo-Pak dispute over occupied kashmir

US President said that he is ready to mediate between Indo-Pak dispute over occupied Kashmir but India and Pakistan could handle their dispute on their own.

Trump has previously offered to mediate between India and Pakistan on the contested Himalayan region. New Delhi rejected the offer while Islamabad welcomed it.

He discussed the issue on the sidelines of a G7 summit in France with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who withdrew special autonomy for occupied Jammu and Kashmir on August 5.

Trump said Modi told him that he had Kashmir under control.

“We spoke last night about Kashmir, prime minister really feels he has it under control. They speak with Pakistan and I’m sure that they will be able to do something that will be very good,” the US president told reporters.

Modi, speaking alongside Trump, said that all issues between New Delhi and Islamabad were “bilateral in nature”.

“All issues between India & Pakistan are bilateral in nature, that is why we don’t bother any other country regarding them,” Modi said

He said India and Pakistan were together before 1947 and that he was “confident that we can discuss our problems and solve them, together”.

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