Pakistan campaign would continue until Kashmir has attained freedom:PM Imran Khan

The premier today took nation into confidence by addressing the nation.Prime Minister Khan highlighted his government’s strategy regarding Occupied kashmir.

The Prime Minister started his address by saying that he wanted to share with the public the government’s policy and stance in view of the existing situation in occupied Kashmir, whose special autonomy was revoked by the Indian government earlier this month. He said the time had come for Pakistan’s Kashmir policy to take a “decisive” turn.

“When my government came into power, my first priority was to generate peace in the country. India and we share many problems; unemployment, inflation and climate change, etc.
“So we wanted to be friends with everyone From the start of our term, we made many overtures for dialogue to India but there were always some problems. They (India) would look for opportunities to accuse Pakistan of terrorism,” the prime minister said.
“First they had elections coming up, so we waited for that to be over, we thought when elections would be over, the situation will be different. Then Pulwama happened; a Kashmiri man blew himself up.

“India, instead of introspecting, pointed fingers at us. After the elections, we saw that they tried their best to bankrupt Pakistan and tried to have Pakistan ‘blacklisted’ at FATF (Financial Action Task Force).

“That is when we decided we should not hold any talks with them because we realised they had a different agenda,” he added.

The prime minister recalled that on August 5 New Delhi sent additional military troops to Kashmir and announced that it was now part of India. “This was against the vision of their founding fathers and UN resolutions,” he added.

“The message [India] gave on August 5 was that Hindustan belongs to Hindus only and all others are second-class citizens.”

He said it was important for the public to understand the ideology of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) party said to be a parent organisation of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of which Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been a member.

“They (RSS) believed that Hindus were supreme and there was a hatred for Muslims in their ideology. Their leaders followed racist and fascist ideologies.

“This was the ideology that assassinated Mahatma Gandhi after independence,” he said, adding that RSS had been sidelined by Indian governments as a terrorist organisation in the past.

“This was also the ideology that Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah saw and worked towards the creation of Pakistan.

“After [former prime minister Jawaharlal] Nehru’s death, the RSS ideology started gaining ground in India and went on to destroy the Babri Mosque, massacre Muslims in Gujarat and which is responsible for mob violence [on minorities in India].”

In contrast, he said, Pakistan’s ideology is based on the Holy Quran and believes in the protection of minorities.

Prime Minister Imran said Modi had made a “historic blunder” by revoking occupied Kashmir’s special autonomy due to his arrogance, and in doing so “he has opened the way to Kashmir’s freedom”.

We received information that they were planning a false-flag operation in Azad Kashmir like what they did in Balakot, to divert attention from occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan campaign would continue until Kashmir has attained freedom:PM Imran Khan

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