Medical facility near US air base hits by suicide attacker

Medical facility near US air base hits by suicide attacker

Medical facility near US Bagram airbase north of Kabul hit by suicide attacker which in result 5 people injured.

A powerful suicide bombing targeted an under-construction medical facility near Bagram airbase north of the capital Kabul, the US military has said.

While there were no US or coalition casualties, a medical base being built for locals was badly damaged, Resolute Support, the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan, said in a statement on Wednesday.

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The US airbase remains secure, the statement said.

Earlier reports suggested a US military convoy might have been the target.

Dr Sangin, a physician, said that the hospital near the perimeter of the base was on fire. It was not immediately clear if any people were inside the hospital.

General Mahfooz Walizada, police commander of northern Parwan province, confirmed the attack but offered no details on casualties.

Sangin, who is the head of the provincial hospital,said that they have received five injured, all Afghans.

The latest attack comes days after a report said the US misled public on the 18-year conflict, the US’s longest-running war.

The US, which has been battling an armed rebellion by the Taliban, resumed peace talks with the Afghan armed group in hopes of ending this fighting.

US President Donald Trump halted a previous round of meetings with the Taliban in September following the killing of a US soldier.

In a surprise visit to Bagram Airfield in November, Trump said US forces were to stay in the country “until such time as we have a deal, or we have total victory, and they want to make a deal very badly.”

Some 13,000 US troops remain in Afghanistan and the Taliban pose a continued threat to the Western-backed Afghan government.

Medical facility was the target of Afghan suicide bomber.

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