United States urges India to restore Human rights immediately

United States urges India to restore Human rights immediately

United States urged India to restore Human rights immediately in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and lift the restriction in disputed land.

In a statement, Acting Assistant Secretary of the state for South Asia Alice Wells said “we hope to see rapid action in the lifting of restrictions and the release of those who have been detained.”

Expressing grave concerns over the detention of politicians and businessmen, she said a lowering of rhetoric would be welcomed, particularly between two nuclear powers.

The US official said that President Donald Trump is ready to play a mediation role if both countries are willing.

Read More:Trump says he is ready to mediate Indo-Pak dispute over occupied kashmir

The curfew and communication blackout are continued across Indian occupied Kashmir on the 54th consecutive day, today.

The valley is under a continued military siege since August 5 when Narendra Modi-led Indian government repealed the special status of occupied Kashmir and imposed strict clampdown in the territory. Thousands of Indian troops have kept millions of Kashmiris confined to their homes during all these days, Kashmir Media Service reported.

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Millions of people have been besieged in their houses as hundreds of thousands of Indian troops continue to be deployed in every nook and corner of the valley. All shops, markets, business establishments and educational institutions remain closed while transport is off the road.

United States has urged India to restore Kashmir rights immediately.

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