Hunter Biden break silence on his foreign business dealings

Hunter Biden break silence on his foreign business dealings

Hunter Biden has defended Ukraine and China business dealings.He has dismissed claims of impropriety.He has said “I joined a board, I served honourably”.

The son of former US Vice-President Joe Biden has defended his foreign business dealings amid attacks by the White House and increasing media scrutiny.
Hunter Biden who has had business ties in Ukraine and China in recent years Said that he had done “nothing wrong”.
But he admitted to “poor judgment”, leaving him open to political attacks.
His foreign work and Donald Trump‘s intervention have sparked impeachment proceedings against the president.

Read More:Trump attacks forced Hunter Biden to step down

Breaking his silence on his foreign business dealings, Hunter Biden, 49, dismissed claims of impropriety.
“Did I do anything improper? No, and not in any way. Not in any way whatsoever. I joined a board, I served honourably,” Mr Biden said, adding that he did not discuss such business with his father.
But Mr Biden acknowledged the possible political ramifications of his work, saying his failure to do so previously demonstrated “poor judgment”.

“Did I make a mistake? Well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah,” he said. “But did I make a mistake based upon some ethical lapse? Absolutely not.”
Mr Biden stressed his record on the board of the UN World Food Programme and work for US corporations to defend his lucrative role as a board member for a Ukrainian gas company.
“I think that I had as much knowledge as anybody else that was on the board, if not more,” Mr Biden said.
But he acknowledged the appointment may have resulted from his father’s clout.
“I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden,” he said.

Hunter Biden has said that he did not discuss such business with his father.

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