Iranian FM warned US again, amid new US Deployment

Iranian FM warned US again amid new US Deployment

Iranian FM has said “I am confident that we will not start war but I’m confident that whoever starts war will not be the one who finishes it.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that United States (US) is “posturing” by sending troops and defense equipment to Saudi Arabia in response to attacks on Saudi Arabia oil facility.

Iranian FM said, “I think its posturing. I think it’s all going the wrong direction in addressing this issue.”

“We were not informed by the U.N. We were not consulted by the U.N. We do not know on what basis this has taken place. So we will take it up with the United Nations. We are confident that if the United Nations carries out an impartial investigation the outcome will be that it was not launched from Iran,” Zaris said.

He added, “Asked if he was confident Iran could avoid a war. I am confident that we will not start one but I’m confident that whoever starts one will not be the one who finishes it.”

“That means that there won’t be a limited war,” Zarif said, echoing his previous comments that a military strike on Iran by the United States or Saudi Arabia would result in an “all-out war”, he went on to say.

Zarif also said, “The U.S. made it clear I was not welcome at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City next week that I planned to attend, despite being approved for a visa waiver.”

Iranian FM added “Well not necessarily, because the United States is under obligation, being the host of the U.N. headquarters to issue visas to member states. So they made it very clear in a letter that they attached to my visa that I am not eligible to get a visa, but they’re doing it on a waiver basis. So they want me to know that I am not supposed to be here,”.

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